* Ji Ping | Notes = }} Ji Ben (died 218) was a court physician who lived in the late Eastern Han dynasty. In 218, he started a rebellion with several others in the capital Xu (許; present-day Xuchang, Henan), but the revolt was suppressed and the conspirators were captured and executed for treason. ==Error in name== Ji Ben's given name was actually "Pi" (). His name is believed to have been erroneously recorded as "Ben" () in historical texts to avoid naming taboo, because "Pi" was the personal name of Cao Pi, the first ruler of the Cao Wei state. Besides, the Chinese character for "Pi" might have actually been 㔻 instead of 丕. There were instances where 㔻 had been mistakenly written as 丕.〔《三國志集解》在《三國志·武帝紀》提及太醫令吉本時說: * 趙一清曰:《後漢書·耿秉傳》作“吉㔻”,注“或作'平'”,則“本”字誤也。 * 惠棟曰:隸法,“㔻”、“平”字相似,《三輔決錄》又作“本”也。 * 《三國志辨誤》曰:東漢杜操字伯度,魏代避諱,易為“杜度”。裴氏引《決錄》注,本子邈、穆之字亦具載,而獨逸本字,殆亦以字易名,如杜度之例,故不可並書耶。 * 李慈銘曰:㔻、本二字,每易相亂,如《後漢書·循吏傳》劉寵父丕,而《續漢書》作“本”是也。 * 弼按:《常林傳》注引《魏略》、《鄧艾傳》注引《世語》均作“吉本”,或魏臣避文帝諱,改㔻為本,陳《志》仍其舊文也。 《三國志·文帝紀》在提及文帝名諱時說: * 潘眉曰:闞澤雲“不十為丕”,字當作“㔻”,今作“丕”者,非。 * 胡玉縉曰:潘說非也。 《說文·一部》:丕,大也。從一,不聲。段注:丕,隸書中直引長,故云“丕之字不十”。漢《石經》作“㔻”,可證。非與“丕”殊字也。段說甚瞭,潘氏以隸變駁篆文,顛矣。〕 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ji Ben」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク